Tuesday, June 16, 2015

An End In Sight

3 more days and I am done with Radiation Therapy.  6 weeks of going to the hospital, Monday through Friday, is exhausting.  I know that sounds ridiculous but when coupled with chemotherapy, it takes every bit of energy I have each day to go.

I've been quite lucky for 6  weeks that I haven't had any effects from the radiation but that seemed to change this week.  I'm having a hard time swallowing as the radiation has done some damage to my esophagus.  They tell me the damage is inflammation and will repair itself within a few months of ending the therapy.

After that horrible 2 weeks I had, this week I am feeling really good.  I hope I don't jinx myself by saying that.  I still have fatigue.  It is so weird to feel soooooo tired by not be able to fall asleep.  I'm back to being awake half the night but I'm not complaining as I feel really good during the day. 

2 more chemotherapy sessions (6/22 and 6/29) then I get the entire month of July off.  Chemotherapy will resume August 1.  I still have to go for weekly bloodwork during July and the 3 doctors and myself will discuss what drugs we will do for the next rounds.  As long as it not that Taxol that messed me up so bad, I don't care what they use.

So overall, things are going well.  With the exception of not being able to attend my brother's wedding in Florida and not being able to go to Virginia for the yearly family reunion.  Missing Albert's wedding was hard - I waited 52 years for that.  But thanks to my sister and cousin, Maria and Shocky, we Skyped ALOT and I was kept in the loop.

Thank you again for all your comments and private messages - that is what truly brightens my day!!

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for posting this! My husband has stage 4 nsc lung cancer & just finished his first round. It helped him to know about your swallowing as he has a terrible time with trying to eat & swallow. Your in my prayers & God Bless you for sharing your journey!
