Saturday, June 27, 2015

A 12 Pack of Eggs and a Dozen Beers

A 12 pack of eggs and a dozen beers - that is the level my brain is functioning these days.  I made a comment to my son, "how many eggs do we have? a 12 pack?" He looked at me as if I had gone totally insane - but I think I have.

Last week marked my final radiation treatment and I now get a break from chemotherapy for one month.  I know that sounds exciting but it really isn't.

The effects from the radiation and the chemo will last far past the one month break - then I get to begin chemo again.  Overall, I feel "ok" - except for when I eat or when I exert any energy.  So basically - it sucks.  The radiation damaged/irritated my esophagus and it will take a couple of months to heal.  It is extremely painful to swallow almost everything.  I've narrowed my selection of menu down to pasta, eggs, watermelon and anything liquid.  The doctors are worried about me losing weight but I can assure you, I AM NOT....if I can lose weight, YAY. The only thing I can compare the pain to is when you get something stuck in your throat and it won't go down - right in the center of my chest.  Then after drinking something to get it down, it feels like I scraped something.

I am very tired and don't have much energy but part of that is from my blood levels being really low so hopefully within a few weeks my energy will come back. I take 3 to 4 naps per day - not long ones, 1/2 hour each at most.

And finally, according to my cancer doctor, I will have new scans 3 months from my last radiation treatment.  We have to wait for the inflammation to go away.  That will be approximately Sept. 19th.  I don't know if I am anxious for that day to arrive or dreading it.  The news, no matter what it is, will be news...plain and simple...and I'll just keep on marching ahead.

Today was a bit depressing - it was the Shahinian Family Reunion in Richmond, Virginia - my docs wouldn't let me go that far so I missed seeing all my family. Thank goodness for phones and videoconferencing.

On a final note, Cameron is here for the weekend.  Today was a torrential downpour of rain.  Instead of staying home with boring, sleeping Nanna, Aunt Cocko to him to the movies - $23.00 for 2 cokes and 2 popcorns????? O....M....G...

1 comment :

  1. Keep up the great job Jennifer. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know your Mother and Dad are proud of you. I still miss her, Always think of her on 4/14. You are a special Mom and grandmother. Love you- Carole Jean Anderson (Shahda)
