Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Getting Things In Order

While there have been no tests, scans and other medical visits this week, it still has been a busy week.  My surgery is 7 days away and I am getting a bit nervous.

An update from my last post where I mentioned they wanted me to come in for a wig fitting - I don't think I'm going to do it.  For several reasons:

  • Summer is coming and I get hot when it hits 65 degrees, so the idea of having a wig on my head in the 90's is not appealing
  • I've always had extremely short hair so the idea of losing it is really not that upsetting to me right now
  • And finally, I'm processing all my energy to getting rid of this beast - not covering it up
I expect there will be many people who disagree with this and I may come to regret it, but for now, Caitlyn and Maria can get ready to "paint my head."  After my last post, Maria asked, "Mommie, are you really going to lose your hair?" I replied, "yes m'am."  She told me that I should be ready for her to cry because in her mind that is when I will look sick - but then she told me, "don't get wig(s), get a do-rag, let me pick one out." So there you go!  I understand the nurses logic in getting fitted now while I feel well, but I just can't go there just yet.  Besides, if it was good enough for my momma, then it's good enough for me <3

This week has also been a constant ringing of the phone - medical professionals, friends and family.  Having my babies spread across the US is hard when you want them with you now - but having them call, Skype and Facetime brings a smile to my face.  

This week has also been spent doing the final preparation before surgery - I spent 2 hours on the phone with a Social Security Disability Attorney on Monday and have officially filed for SSDI.  Stage 2 Lung Cancer  is on Social Security's Compassionate Allowance List, meaning, my claim will be processed much quicker than the normal "years" of waiting.  And today, I received a followup call from them - less than 24 hours later - to confirm my information and to let me know that "my condition" meets the expedited list - Oh Yay!!

The best part of the week's news is that I don't have to go back in for Pre-Admission Testing - when you have a PICC Line, nurses are the only ones that can draw blood.  But, Pre-Admission Testing people don't have RN's sooooo....my home nurse is going to take care of that this Thursday which is better than last time - they had to poke my arm the traditional way and it took 6 pokes to get a vein - hence, my need for a PICC Line :)


  1. Do whatever makes you feel good (personally from the picture above I think you will look hot in a do-rag.. Love you lots

  2. Thanks for sharing, what a trooper you are! Not only was your post relatable, but it gave me hope. My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, and she's been struggling. She likes to do her own errands and take care of us, so it has been difficult for her to be taken care of. I'll be sharing your story with her!

    Jason Hayes @ DECORM

  3. I can tell you from experience that living in South Florida was scary to me having to wear a wig. The first few days after surgery it was definitely uncomfortable, but here in the south you get used to wearing a cap to keep the sun off your head, so it really started to feel more like a cap and didn't bother me too much.

    Randy Lawrence @ Goldin Legal
